Treatment Centers by City
- Idaho Falls
- Boise
- Pocatello
- Coeur D Alene
- Twin Falls
- Nampa
- Blackfoot
- Caldwell
- Lewiston
- Burley
- Meridian
- Rexburg
- Moscow
- Payette
- Preston
- Salmon
- Emmett
- Grangeville
- Orofino
- Sandpoint
- American Falls
- Bonners Ferry
- Driggs
- Fruitland
- Gooding
- Jerome
- Kellogg
- Montpelier
- Ponderay
- Post Falls
- Priest River
- Rathdrum
- Soda Springs
- Arco
- Challis
- Council
- Fort Hall
- Garden Valley
- Greenleaf
- Hailey
- Kuna
- Mackay
- Malad City
- McCall
- Mountain Home
- Naples
- Plummer
- Rigby
- Rupert
- Silverton
- St. Anthony
- St. Maries
- Star
- Sugar City
- Weiser
- Northwest Academy
- Northwest Academy
is located at 139 Success Lane Naples, ID. 83847 and can be contacted by calling 208-267-7522. Northwest Academy offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services
Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- It is important that we support alcohol research funding, as many aspects of alcohol's health effects still needs to be studied to see if there is a major detrimental or causative effect: some systems of the body that have not yet been studied include the immune system, breast cancer, throat/oral cancer, prostate cancer, sex hormone function, kidney function, gall bladder function, and arthritis.
- Heavy drinking contributes to illness in each of the top three causes of deathheart disease, cancer and stroke.
- Individuals that plan to drive or take part in other activities that require attention, skill, and coordination, such as operating heavy machinery, should not drink alcohol at all.
- Long-term alcohol consumption can cause respiratory dangers include respiratory depression and failure, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung abscesses.
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