Treatment Centers by City
- Idaho Falls
- Boise
- Pocatello
- Coeur D Alene
- Twin Falls
- Nampa
- Blackfoot
- Caldwell
- Lewiston
- Burley
- Meridian
- Rexburg
- Moscow
- Payette
- Preston
- Salmon
- Emmett
- Grangeville
- Orofino
- Sandpoint
- American Falls
- Bonners Ferry
- Driggs
- Fruitland
- Gooding
- Jerome
- Kellogg
- Montpelier
- Ponderay
- Post Falls
- Priest River
- Rathdrum
- Soda Springs
- Arco
- Challis
- Council
- Fort Hall
- Garden Valley
- Greenleaf
- Hailey
- Kuna
- Mackay
- Malad City
- McCall
- Mountain Home
- Naples
- Plummer
- Rigby
- Rupert
- Silverton
- St. Anthony
- St. Maries
- Star
- Sugar City
- Weiser
- Lean on Me
- Lean on Me
is located at 169 East 18th Street Idaho Falls, ID. 83401 and can be contacted by calling 208-932-1743. Lean on Me offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Transitional Living Services
Payment Options:
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- About one in ten Americans currently has an alcohol problem.
- Alcohol use is implicated in one-third of drownings.
- Studies show that children of alcoholic parents are at greater risk than other children of becoming alcoholics.
- Recent studies have shown that heavy alcohol consumption and binge drinking are sensitive to price changes, and that price elasticities are generally high for heavy drinkers who are aware of the consequences of their drinking.
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