Treatment Centers by City
- Idaho Falls
- Boise
- Pocatello
- Coeur D Alene
- Twin Falls
- Nampa
- Blackfoot
- Caldwell
- Lewiston
- Burley
- Meridian
- Rexburg
- Moscow
- Payette
- Preston
- Salmon
- Emmett
- Grangeville
- Orofino
- Sandpoint
- American Falls
- Bonners Ferry
- Driggs
- Fruitland
- Gooding
- Jerome
- Kellogg
- Montpelier
- Ponderay
- Post Falls
- Priest River
- Rathdrum
- Soda Springs
- Arco
- Challis
- Council
- Fort Hall
- Garden Valley
- Greenleaf
- Hailey
- Kuna
- Mackay
- Malad City
- McCall
- Mountain Home
- Naples
- Plummer
- Rigby
- Rupert
- Silverton
- St. Anthony
- St. Maries
- Star
- Sugar City
- Weiser
- Aces Community Services
- Aces Community Services
is located at 622 College Street St. Maries, ID. 83861 and can be contacted by calling 208-245-4363. Aces Community Services offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Court Appointed Client Services, Hearing Impaired Clients
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee, Payment Help
- Contact Us
- Even if not mentally retarded, children born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may have problems with learning, memory, attention, speech, and hearing, as well as severe behavioral problems.
- Alcohol oxidizes when it gets into the human system; this process occurs at the rate of an ounce in two or three hours. For 100-proof whisky, which is up to fifty per cent alcohol, this would mean that 8 ounces of whisky would be gone from the body in less than 12 hours; most of the alcohol would be breathed away, but some of it would be lost through sweat or urine.
- More than 70,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or rape.
- Studies show that females, even young women, face more brain damage than men who drink the same amount for the same period of time.
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